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Why I'm Supporting Bob Good for Congress

The Congressman from Virginia's 5th Congressional District is facing a primary challenge from State Senator John McGuire (SD-10)

Congressman speaks to media in front of microphones
Rep. Good Speaks to the Media (photo credit: Francis Chung/POLITICO)

Perhaps no congressional race this year has been watched more than the primary race for the GOP nomination in VA-05 between incumbent Congressman Bob Good and challenger John McGuire. Here’s why I’m supporting Congressman Good for re-election: 

Some of the Reasons I’m Supporting Congressman Good: 

  • He has become chair of the House Freedom Caucus, the most conservative and perhaps most effective, caucus in all of Congress. This puts Congressman Good in an excellent position to advance conservative causes as he has been doing

  • He is the most conservative congressman in the entire nation. Too often we hear of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) blowing up a good cause because of petty grievances, or more often, they actually side with the Democrats but can’t say it for fear of losing re-election. Congressman Good is the polar opposite. He fights for traditional conservative values and says exactly what he believes. He doesn’t lie to his constituents or hide behind of shield of political lingo to conceal his real beliefs. 

  • He is a hard-working, God-honoring man who truly wants what is best for his constituents and his country

  • He is a recognized conservative, earning 100% scores from Heritage Action for America, the Family Research Council, Americans for Prosperity, and other respected conservative organizations. 

  • He has been endorsed by some of the other most conservative and recognizable Republican names in Congress: Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (UT), Matt Gaetz (FL-01), Chip Roy (TX-23), and Byron Donalds (FL-19). 

Why I’m Not Supporting John McGuire: 

  • Unchecked political ambition. Exactly one week after winning an unopposed election to become a state senator after previously being in the House of Delegates, McGuire announced his run against Congressman Good obviously motivated by nothing but pure political ambition. He couldn’t even wait until he was sworn in to office to announce his run for the next office (for context, he has now run for SIX offices in SEVEN years). 

  • Lies. Just for starters, McGuire lied about not running against Congressman Good. Twice on video he was asked if he had any plans to challenge the Congressman, and both times he denied it, calling Good a “true conservative”. He has lied about how much money his campaign has raised. He has lied in his main campaign attacks, calling Good a “Never Trumper”. After initially believing Ron DeSantis to be the better choice, Congressman Good HAS endorsed President Trump and has thrown his full support behind him. Good has repeatedly stated how ready he is to implement Trump’s agenda should he be re-elected to a second term. McGuire has earned such a reputation in this regard that it has earned him the nickname “McLiar” around the district.

  • Dirty politics. From “allegedly” cutting zip ties on political signs to allow the wind to mess them up, to saying Congressman Good “yells at Grandmothers and college students” (no, I’m not kidding, he actually claims this), to sending out an email blast supporting the politically-motivated lawsuit against an infuential conservative pastor who had been supporting Congressman Good’s re-election bid. For a brief point of context on that, disgraced Appomattox GOP ex-chairwoman and unofficial McGuire campaign henchman Karen Angulo filed a lawsuit and red-flag-styled charges/restraining order against the pastor, which - if enforced - would have resulted in the pastor losing his right to own firearms among other things. The campaign then reportedly sent out emails supporting the lawsuit (for more on Karen Angulo, watch the video on the F&R YouTube channel breaking down her kicking out Congressman Good from a “Trump store” and the aftermath of that which started the snowball effect that culminated in this lawsuit). 

  • Fake Republican. In addition to having a vote of no confidence bestowed upon him by the Goochland Republican Committee (,  McGuire voted with the Democrats the second most of any other Republican in the senate during his first legislative session (source:

  • Bad endorsements: I challenge you to find me a single impressive endorsement in John McGuire’s list. Here’s a sample: Jen Kiggans (VA-02 - lifetime score from Heritage Action for America - 53% (for reference, the average run-of-the-mill House Republican scores 71%); Mike Rogers (AL-03: lifetime score - 67%); Derrick Van Orden (WI-03: lifetime score - 58%); Austin Scott (GA-08: lifetime score - 75%); Ryan Zinke (MT-01: lifetime score - 50%). The one exception to this list is Marjorie Taylor-Greene (GA-14) who has endorsed McGuire for no other reason but that she rather vocally has a bone to pick with Congressman Good, who’s Freedom Caucus she was booted from last year, albeit before Good became chair. 

So who will you be supporting? The man whose donations come more from outside the district he’s running to represent than in (McGuire)? The man who has earned a reputation for his seeming inability to tell the truth (also McGuire)? Or will you join me in supporting the man who Matt Gaetz called “our masthead” and praised when he said “Bob Good is our leader among House conservatives to get us on the same page to ensure that it is the people’s interests that rise above the special interests.” To me, the choice is obvious. On June 18th, I will cast my vote for Congressman Bob Good. 

(See also: 


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